Evaluation of access and data security in the main building at Postgasse 8
As part of the Business Angel project initiated by Österreichische Post AG (the Austrian postal service), mquadr.at
- one of the top 10 young Austrian companies - was chosen to advise Post AG in evaluating and improving the existing
office and building access system.
The aim is to upgrade and expand the current access card system to fully meet the security requirements of the
listed company. In addition to a thorough survey of the current situation, mquadr.at is supporting Post AG in
introducing a standardised card system for staff and visitors, and in implementing a smartcard login which can be used
by top level management to log into their PCs securely or to encrypt data for a specific group of people. To do this,
mquadr.at created a security concept that is compatible with the existing control and information systems at Post AG
and in addition to a greater degree of data and personal security, also offers the potential for cost savings in the
medium term.
mquadr.at was also responsible for creating the specifications for the various suppliers, evaluating those
specifications, and organising the administration of the visitor cards. In the Post AG "Private Area" - an online area
provided by mquadr. at - project managers at Post AG can view and download the current status of the consulting
activities and all security concepts at any time. mquadr.at will work hand in hand with Post AG in implementing the new
security system and will submit recommendations for future activities to reinforce access and data security.