
SiOL and Planet 9, d. o. o., GesmbH are Telekom Slovenija affiliates.
Telekom Slovenije, a modern communications company, is the backbone of Slovenia's high-tech society. It connects the points of economic excellence among themselves and with the world. The future is in convergence of fixed and mobile telecommunication and the internet.

SiOL pomo_in podpora (launch: September 2006)

m2webalizer light, m2webcenter, m2modemconfig and m2liveupdate form the basis for the design of the groundbreaking Internet installation and support tool pomo_in podpora, which was developed for the leading Slovene Internet Service Provider SiOL. A combination of these applications was matched with additional innovative functionalities to set new standards in the field of Internet access, service and support software. With the application being created in Slovene, ensured that all SiOL requirements could be met accordingly. So what are the major functionalities of this comprehensive software application?

During initial SiOL ADSL Internet access set-up, a dedicated PPPOE client is installed accordingly which is used for the set-up and configuration of the actual Internet connection. Other features included within ADSL Internet set-up are SiOL ADSL online registration, configuration of all modems supported by SiOL (Sagem and Iskratel) as well as automatic modem firmware upgrade. The user data recorded during online registration is automatically used for local set-up of Internet access on the client?s side, so that the user does not have to enter any new information manually. Once the connection has been established, the selected browser has been configured and the SiOL e-mail account has been created within the preferred e-mail client, all settings are securely saved within a specific Config file on the user's PC. If required, this information can be retrieved for a complete recovery process. In case of incorrect Internet settings or any other malfunction, the user's initial configuration can be restored with just a single mouse click (including any additional, new e-mail addresses or new username and password). Since this recovery process draws on information that is saved on the client?s system, it can also be carried out without a working online connection.

In addition to the features mentioned above, SiOL pomo_ in podpora also includes comprehensive status reports including details on various different PC settings (among other, modem settings are represented here for example) and an integrated DOS-window, which gives users the chance to directly carry out specific commands (such as ipconfig or Ping).

A separate advanced area, which includes wizards for automatically establishing new e-mail addresses or carrying out modem upgrades, supplements the service offering that designed for SiOL. In the event that any new e-mail addresses are created with these wizards, they are automatically taken account of within the above-mentioned "Config file".

The maintenance contract (m2maintenance) concluded between SiOL and mquadr. at guarantees full functionality and currency of the underlying application (independent of future browser versions or new Windows® operating systems).

With the implementation of this solution, SiOL definitely leads the way as far as optimising customer service, automation and cost efficiency are concerned.