Legal notice

Media owner

Harris Computer Austria GmbH
Albertgasse 35
1080 Vienna, Austria

Management of the company: Guido Moritz, Scott MacKendrick
Officer with statutory authority: Enrico René Hase

Bank: HSBC Continental Europe S.A., Germany
IBAN: DE21 3003 0880 1868 9520 04

Phone: +43 1 5054050 0

Legal form: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Registered office: Vienna
Commercial Register number: FN213745g
Commercial Register court: Commercial Court of Vienna
VAT identification number: ATU56754612
D-U-N-S Number: 300514903

Taxpayer Identification Number: 062257746
EORI number: ATEOS1000006327

Commercial Register
Authority: Vienna City Administration
GISA number: 25437690



This website: © 1999-2024 by Harris Computer Austria GmbH. All rights reserved.

Protection of trade marks

Except when otherwise stipulated, all trade marks, company logos or other emblems, e.g. product logos presented on this website are subject to trade mark rights of either Harris Computer Austria GmbH or third parties. and its products are registered trademarks of Harris Computer Austria GmbH.

Any other products, product names or goods are trade names of the respective trademark owner.


This website may contain references to property rights as well as information concerning copyright, which must be complied with. We would like to point out that information provided on this website may be technically inaccurate or may contain typographical errors.

Harris Computer Austria GmbH reserves the right to change or update information provided on this website at any time without prior notification. This also applies to changes made in the description of products and software solutions presented on this website.

In no event will Harris Computer Austria GmbH express warranty or any guarantees with reference to the information provided on other websites linked to the website. We would like to point out that Harris Computer Austria GmbH does not have a bearing on the content of any of these websites. This is also valid if one of these websites carries the logo. We would like to emphasise that an hyperlink on another website under no circumstances signifies's identification with the content of this website, nor support for its' use. Additionally, Harris Computer Austria GmbH cannot guarantee the safety of any other website, especially where destructive software, such as viruses, etc. is concerned.

In no event will Harris Computer Austria GmbH be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages for any use of this website or any other hyperlinked website, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programmes or other data on your information handling system or otherwise, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.