New Inode Companion design

„We are the good ones“ reads Inode’s new marketing strategy. Next to its’ complete redesign, inode Companion is also equipped with a noteworthy technical novelty…

For this spring’s issue of Inode Companion, all software applications have been equipped with the new Inode design. In addition to this, Inode Config also includes the following technical innovation: for any inode xDSL product based on Microsoft Windows® XP as per now a PPPoE connection is configured instead of well-tested VPN access. During system check inode Config identifies the user’s Operating System and consequently pursues the relevant setup process automatically. As usual, Inode customers do not require any technical Know-How – the configuration of any Inode Internet account is completed within a few minutes.

To round off the package, all of these improvements are also represented in the Internet support tool inode Center: the graphic design was adapted according to Inode’s guidelines – the repair function for Inode xDSL connections based on Microsoft Windows® XP as from now operates with abovementioned PPPoE technology. Based on well-tested automatic Internet installation, even such complex technical changes can be realised without any user effort.