wins SiOL as new customer! begins with the compilation of a set of Internet access and support tools for the leading Slovene ISP…
Being assigned the order for the development of a comprehensive software application suite for the leading Slovene
Internet Service Provider SiOL, is now able to extend their field of business activity as well as their
commercial contacts to the neighbouring state Slovenia. During the adaptation of these software applications for SiOL,’s major service tools
m2webalizer light,
m2modemconfig and
m2liveupdate will be worked up to create a unique software compilation that
completely fits SiOL’s needs and sets new standards on the Internet access and support software market. Next to the
integration of a great number of new and innovative features, also challenges their know how by creating a
complete set of software applications in the Slovene language. The long-term partnership between and SiOL was
sealed with a comprehensive maintenance contract, giving SiOL a cost-efficient opportunity to draw upon
skills once the software is in operation. The completion date for all applications was fixed for the end of August.
With the implementation of these software solutions by, SiOL definitely leads the way among the new EC member
states as far as customer service, support automation and cost efficiency is concerned!