m2reporting - relaunch of our powerful client statistic-application

To provide ISPs with detailed information about their customers as well as their use of software, mquadr.at has offered a reporting feature all along. However our products were modified and offer now a lot more features which are particularly interesting for ISPs. So a completely new statistic platform designed in the usual blue mquadr.at style is online available since midyear 2009.

This new and powerful m2reporting tool provides detailed user-statistics about all relevant areas such as operating system (incl. language, service packs, Internet browser, e-mail-program, firewall, antivirus software, etc.), information about obtainable mquadr.at software solutions (number of installations, de-installations, termination, versions, errors, etc.) as well as comprehensive diagnosis- and maintenance-reports (detailed list of error codes including description, number of diagnoses run, repairs by default and automatically). You may view the collected data listed in tabular form or - partly interactive - graphs. This displayed data can be filtered by different criteria, which enables the customer to receive specific and individual statistics. This powerful application is topped off with an export function, which allows the ISP to download the data in an excel-sheet or as .pdf-document for further internal use.

One of the new features available is the application graph, showing the paths end-customer take within the software in form of a complex Flash application. These paths are shown as interactive paths of forward- and back -arrow and exit points and therefore enable the ISP to identify at a glance the most-used routes, and those places users use most/least.

In an addition, the new reporting portal is equipped with a single user management; via online portal ISPs may create a new account and define access rights as well. For example support staff members may only have access to information regarding error codes.

Therefore m2reporting is far more than just a pure statistical analysis - it is a unique marketing tool which provides accurate information on the end-customer’s operating system and the software in use. The new, web-based system was well received and is already in use - among many of our customers.

You may find further information about m2reporting on the product page of this statistic tool, or contact us if you are interested in a demo access.