m2connectionmanager – the NEW connection manager by mquadr.at

We have re-launched our sophisticated and flexible mobile connection management software. The new m2connectionmanager is the result of a redesign and technological overhaul process. Supporting state-of-the-art technologies (Gobi™ 2000/3000, LTE and Windows® mobile API), incorporating dynamically loaded ads for refinancing, including additional features like SMS & contact management, skin and multi-profile support » m2connectionmanager is the perfect connection management software for ISPs and Enterprises.


m2connectionmanager: The centrepiece is the connect button.

One click and subscribers are online with all devices, all connection types, all operators, on Mac OS X and Windows® alike. Using mobile Internet with embedded devices or USB dongles has never been easier. After ultra-fast modem detection users go online with one click. When LANs and wireless networks are available m2connectionmanager automatically initiates a seamless transition to use the fastest available connection type. See » m2connectionmanager – the sophisticated multi-connection management software for more details.

Mobile data offloading for operators

Mobile data traffic is growing exponentially and existing 3G/4G networks have difficulties coping. Wireless networks might become a viable alternative, as the Wi-Fi alliance will introduce the Wi-Fi Certified Passpoint standard. But even now mobile data offloading helps relieving the strain on 3G network infrastructure as state-of-the-art connection management software like m2connectionmanager automatically switches to wireless LAN connections, thus offloading mobile data to Wi-Fi.

Reduction of roaming costs for enterprises

m2connectionmanager (enterprise edition) liberates large enterprises by making them independent of any single mobile operator. Our connection management software enables large companies to equip their travelling representatives with a flexible connection manager that supports all devices, all technologies, and all operators. This way, enterprises can select from competitive offers in all countries and significantly reduce roaming costs. A traffic manager with included data volume counters bases on user accounts, SIMs and IMSIs round out the enterprise edition of m2connectionmanager.

Read more about » m2connectionmanager – seamless connection management and mobile data offloading.