Client-side bandwidth optimisation for optimal speed — The A1 Bandbreiten-Optimierer (a bandwidth optimizer by A1) is available for download!
A1 helps their customers to achieve the best possible performance of their Internet connections. Targeted analysis,
clear optimisation advice and security suggestions make removing any speed impediment on client machines an easy
What makes the bandwidth optimizer special? It is the ideal way to improve network connectivity on client machines.
Another potential network bottleneck cared for.
Contracted by A1 Telekom Austria AG, has developed the bandwidth optimizer (A1 Bandbreiten-Optimierer)
from early concept to market maturity. A1 and achieved quick time-to-market thanks to availability of many
sophisticated software components for modem detection and network analysis developed in-house.
With a single click, users at home are able to analyse their computers and ensure that all settings are correct and
no bandwidth reducing applications are running. Too many wireless networks set to the same channel? Forgotten that a
file is being downloaded in the background? Operating system not up to date? The bandwidth optimizer answers all these
questions and with its advice ensures a perfectly working Internet connection.
For all A1 customers:
» the A1 Bandbreiten-Optimierer as download
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Link to the original press release by A1:
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