Customer centric view moving into focus at BBWF
Broadband World Forum is still the most important trade show for Internet Service Providers and telcos. This year it
took place in Amsterdam, October 22-24. What solutions did experts propose? Read on after the lovely collage of images
from BBWF.
Talk of the Town
Service Assurance and Service Fulfilment were two of the important key words. How can I as an operator get my
subscribers connected easily and quickly? How can I keep my services running perfectly and my customers happy? Many
solutions presented at BBWF were very network centric. We remember TR-069 from the past years, while Software Defined
Networking gained ground as a buzzword this year. Even though device management and other network efforts are very
important, they fail in key areas: Customer Support and self-service for customers.
Customer Support in the Home Network
Support and self-service for customers in the home-network was an important topic at the BBWF. To illustrate this
trend of offering more for the home: Many gateway manufacturers presented software stacks running on gateways for the
smart home full of features we are not sure anyone needs. However, they are destined to fail with this approach, as the
average gateway is and will not be able to handle anything complicated while staying cheap and it won’t have access to
the device that matters most: the customer’s Internet access device of choice (PC, Mac, any flavour of tablet or
smartphone). That’s where the core features of customer centric support have to be placed.
Auto Configuration Servers and device management in general will not reach the customer’s home network either – they
will come close, that’s it.
Solutions going beyond TR-069
Self-care on customer PCs, tablets and smartphones has to be an integral part of the customer support strategy, as
ACSs have failed multiple times to be the one-for-all solutions they had promised to be. As a response we see a trend
emerge: A network centric view of support and assurance makes room for a customer centric view.
We at provide solutions that interact with ACS, OSS, and BSS seamlessly, at the same time perform important
service assurance and service fulfilment tasks in the customer’s home network, and increase the impact of network and
contact based support. This significantly improves Customer Experience and reduces support costs.
How did it go?
We did many live presentations of convincing use cases, presented our comprehensive self-care solution m2suite and
had many meetings and discussions with experts from many telcos and tech companies. As the past weeks have shown, what
we offer resonates with those experts: we have many follow up discussions right now and even more lined up in the next
If you are not yet one of those talking to us, get in touch!