Swisscom enhances customer support through personalised self-care services

Swisscom – Switzerland’s leading Telecommunications and ICT provider with a focus on excellent customer service – has been relying on the digital self-care solutions of for years to offer their customers round-the-clock support for Internet, e-mail and Wi-Fi problems.

My Swisscom Assistant, the self-care tool successfully deployed to meet those needs, is based on the m2suite and adapted for Swisscom requirements. It is regularly extended with new useful features and well accepted by the customers.

In the most recent release, special attention was put on the upgrading of personalised contents in order to raise the self-care customer comfort of My Swisscom Assistant even more.


Service content in the GUI of My Swisscom Assistant

With a campaign management system, dynamic contents are provided to the customers in the GUI of My Swisscom Assistant. These can, for instance, appear as announcements concerning current maintenance works or new available services, which can thus be directly transmitted to the customers.

Personalised desktops and self-care features

A well visible login link in the upper right corner on all My Swisscom Assistant desktops makes it easy for the customer to log in to the customer area at all times. This way, the availability of all functions and the personalised use of all services is being ensured.

One example is the newly designed Wi-Fi display that shows the customer’s Wi-Fi Data and detailed information about the current Wi-Fi connection and also allows to perform administration and security tasks directly in the interface.

Premium PC Care

My Swisscom Assistant PC Care supports customers with the regular maintenance of their PCs, so that the Internet performance is not harmed by outdated software and lack of disk space.

Further maintenance options for My Service customers have been added in the PC Care area in order to be directly accessible and installable automatically via the My Swisscom Assistant.

Customer feedback welcome

For the customer centred development of My Swisscom Assistant, direct user feedback is the most valuable source. To make customer comments about self-care experience particularly easy, the already existing feedback form has been supplemented with a customer survey. This survey allows users to rate different functions of the tool on a numerical scale and helps Swisscom gain useful knowledge about the acceptance of their self-care measures.


The new My Swisscom Assistant release is available for download for Windows and Mac on the Swisscom Website.

Further information about the m2suite is provided on the product pages of the m2Website.